Why You Should Be Rethinking Your End-to-End Testing

Why You Should Be Rethinking Your End-to-End Testing

In the fast-paced world of software development, testing is a cornerstone of ensuring quality and reliability. End-to-end testing has long been regarded as the gold standard for validating system functionality across different services and ensuring the core end-user experience is still functioning as expected. Making end-to-end tests is typically very easy. So easy in fact, that it's easy to get carried away by writing detailed tests that check for the color of a button, or a specific string of text on a page for example. Most snd-to-end tests I have seen tend to be a bit overkill. Especially if these are running inside your CI/CD pipeline. In this article, we're going to explore a more subtle approach to E2E testing by leveraging contract testing, unit tests, and manual QA alongside selective end-to-end testing within your CI/CD pipeline.

The Pitfalls of Over-Reliance on End-to-End Testing

End-to-end testing involves exercising an application in its entirety, simulating real user scenarios from start to finish. While this approach offers comprehensive validation, it comes with several drawbacks:

  1. Complexity and Fragility: End-to-end tests tend to be complex, brittle, and prone to failure due to their dependency on the entire application stack. As applications evolve, maintaining and updating these tests becomes increasingly challenging.

  2. Slow Feedback Loop: End-to-end tests typically have longer execution times compared to unit tests, leading to a slower feedback loop. They also do not provide sufficient granularity for pinpointing the root cause of failures, leading to prolonged debugging and troubleshooting efforts. In agile environments where rapid iteration is crucial, this delay can impede development velocity.

  3. Too Much To Maintain: When end-to-end tests are too detailed, they break whenever a small feature or change is made to the codebase, causing the developer to have to go in and update the test with every update. This can become a huge frustration for developers and delay large feature rollouts.

Embracing Pragmatic Testing Practices

To address the shortcomings of end-to-end testing, organizations are adopting a more balanced testing strategy that incorporates a mix of complementary methodologies:

  1. Contract Testing: Contract testing focuses on validating interactions between different services or components in a distributed system. By defining and verifying contracts between these entities, contract tests enable early detection of integration issues without the overhead of end-to-end testing.

  2. Unit Tests: Unit tests target individual units of code in isolation, verifying their behavior independently of external dependencies. With their fast execution times and precise feedback, unit tests form the foundation of a robust testing strategy.

  3. Manual QA Testing: While automation is essential, manual QA testing adds a human touch to the testing process, uncovering usability issues, edge cases, and unexpected behaviors that automated tests may overlook.

Leveraging Selective End-to-End Testing

While end-to-end testing should be used sparingly, there are scenarios where it remains invaluable:

  1. Big-Picture Validation: End-to-end tests excel at validating critical user journeys and high-level workflows that span multiple components or systems.

  2. CI/CD Pipeline Integration: Integrating selective end-to-end tests into your CI/CD pipeline enables early detection of regressions and ensures the stability of your deployments.

  3. Real Person Validation: In addition to automated testing, incorporating real person, manual QA testing provides valuable insights into the user experience and overall quality of your application.


In conclusion, while end-to-end testing has its place in software development, it should be approached with caution and pragmatism. By leveraging contract testing, unit tests, and manual QA alongside selective end-to-end testing, organizations can optimize their testing efforts, improve development velocity, and deliver high-quality software that meets user expectations. Remember, the goal of testing is not to achieve exhaustive coverage but to mitigate risks and build confidence in your software's reliability and functionality.